Need Help?

What are your hours?
Our office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
How do I report an outage?
Please call 888-827-3322, text "OUT" to 85700 or use our mobile app to report an outage.
How do I pay my bill?
We offer many ways to pay your bill. You can pay using our First Electric mobile app, our website, our office or by calling 844-729-3322.
How do I get new service?
You can request new service by completing an application on our app or you can call 800-489-7405.

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Members Rate First Electric on Satisfaction Surveys

Members Rate First Electric on Satisfaction Surveys

Posted on August 24th, 2020

First Electric surveys members to get feedback and rate satisfaction for new member experience and field service order performance. The results of the surveys provide good information for improving service to our members. 

The findings reported from these surveys are based on second quarter survey results.

You are invited to contact us anytime to offer additional feedback.

Call 800-489-7405 or email

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